El video de un humorista en Instagram: el chiste es que un hombre maduro y bien mantenido está en pareja con una mujer mayor. Sí, una vieja. ¿Eso todavía da risa?
La discriminación hacia las mujeres adultas y adultas mayores está en las redes, en el cine, en los medios de comunicación y en la calle. Incluso, la edad de lo que se considera “estar grande” es cada vez menor. Pareciese que no podemos envejecer en paz. Así, el proceso de maduración, el transcurrir de la vida misma, es un desparramo de prejuicios acerca de qué tienen que sentir y hacer, cómo se deben ver y comportar y qué pueden pretender a cierta edad. En contacto con Rosario3, la abogada y doctora en Derechos Humanos María Isolina Dabove, la escritora y artista española Selma Tango y la cofundadora de la organización No Pausa, Milagros Kirpach, analizan los motivos del estado de ánimo y autopercepción negativa de muchas mujeres acerca de sus años, los mandatos sociales imperantes y el fenómeno vigente de jóvenes que no cumplieron 40 años y ya se consideran “abuelas”. Pero, lo más importante es que revelan el antídoto, la fórmula para convertirse en esas viejas locas que desentonan y hacen ruido.
“Vivimos en una sociedad viejista, es decir, que discrimina en razón de ser, justamente, personas mayores. En general se asocia a la vejez con enfermedad, soledad, decadencia, declive, falta de flexibilidad o bien rigidez, que impide la adaptación a lo nuevo y entonces, todas esas perspectivas, enfoques, hacen que la vejez sea percibida como una etapa amenazante, no deseada, en la que no nos queda otra más que morir”, sostuvo Dabove acerca de por qué da miedo y tanto rechazo envejecer.
Para Kirpach “seguimos con un resabio de una tendencia que se instaló a mitad del siglo XX, que estableció lo juvenil como un valor y símbolo de la época. Empezamos a dar lugar a una concepción que no solo aprecia lo viejo como un problema sino que directamente se opone a envejecer”. Y agregó en ese sentido: “Esa presión ha tenido mucho mayor efecto sobre quienes menstruamos. Desde No Pausa lo graficamos con una expresión común que solemos escuchar a menudo que es el “halago” del “No parecés”. El no parecer de una determinada edad o el verse más joven, suele ser motivo de aplausos y halagos”, precisó.
¿Y por qué hay un mayor señalamiento del paso del tiempo para las mujeres? La conductora del podcast Manolitas a la fresca, Selma Tango, respondió: “En general, el cuerpo de la mujer siempre está señalado y en cualquier época de su vida va a tener una mayor presión. Si una mujer cumple años deja de resultar atractiva y en esto tiene mucho que ver el imaginario colectivo, que en los últimos años se está modificando cada vez a mayor velocidad debido a los avances tecnológicos y a la cantidad de industrias que se han generado en torno al cuerpo y la belleza”, apuntó.

Una vieja Historia
De acuerdo a la escritora española, “cada vez más, la belleza y el atractivo de las mujeres está vinculado con la juventud, de hecho, se hipersexualiza desde muchos sectores productivos incluso a las niñas", advirtió. "Con la llegada de las redes sociales esto se ha agudizado mucho más -remarcó- porque se está construyendo una imagen distorsionada permanentemente de cómo es el cuerpo de una mujer, incluso a través del uso de filtros de imagen que construyen cuerpos y pieles no reales modificando la percepción real de las mismas personas”, analizó.
En este marco, la creadora de No Pausa, agregó: “Las redes sociales actúan como una especie de ángel y demonio. Por un lado, permiten generar comunidades “peer to peer” (de igual a igual). Espacios de identificación con otras mujeres que están atravesando lo mismo, a naturalizar. Pero también las redes y los medios en general siguen reproduciendo los modelos hegemónicos de belleza y juventud”.
“Esto influye en nuestra percepción de cómo debe ser un cuerpo -continuó Selma- generando insatisfacción en nosotras y ahora también en las niñas, al mirarnos al espejo y no encontrarnos bellas como las imágenes que vemos y a los demás que nos perciben como algo a desechar cuando envejecemos. Por eso a partir de los cuarenta, las mujeres sufrimos una invisibilización que tiene mucho que ver también con el papel tradicional de madre que nos da el patriarcado y nos condena al ámbito de lo privado. Si no vemos mujeres viejas en el ámbito de lo público entendemos que para estar fuera, debemos modificar nuestra apariencia y parecer más jóvenes”, explicó.
Viejas a los treinta y pico
Cada vez es más frecuente escuchar a mujeres que aún no han soplado 40 velitas considerar que ya no son jóvenes, que no están para encarar esto o aquello, que no pueden vestir tal o cual prenda, y que se someten tempranamente a tratamientos médicos o a excesivas rutinas de actividad física. En resumen, se sienten señoras mayores, especie de abuelas prematuras. Para la investigadora y especialista en Derechos de la vejez, María Isolina Dabove, “muchas mujeres de 40 años que se sienten viejas tienen una mirada viejista de sí mismas. Es decir, siguen pensando que la vejez es lo peor que nos puede pasar y no ven nada positivo en ella. Sin embargo, hoy es posible vivir una vejez en plenitud en armonía con belleza, con deseos de todos los niveles y con posibilidades de incluso de disfrute sexual que quizás no se tuvo en la juventud”, advirtió y profundizó sobre las causas de esta percepción: “La belleza es un valor muy potente, muy muy poderoso y muchas veces la belleza ocupa el lugar de otros valores: la verdad, la justicia, la utilidad. Las mujeres bien sabemos de las distorsiones que genera la búsqueda de la belleza, en relación con el desarrollo de otros valores”.
Tango también se refirió a la búsqueda de una belleza construida artificial y económicamente. “Se está acelerando un proceso de mayor infantilización de la mujer, así como una perpetuación del estereotipo de belleza que solamente responde a lo que nos muestran influencers, actrices y modelos. Es decir, mujeres muy jóvenes. Salvo excepciones, esto tiene mucho que ver con la presión de la industria. Las influencers en general se mueven dentro del mundo de la moda y de la cosmética y la mayoría de las personas que las siguen se sienten infelices porque no llegan a ese estándar de belleza. La muestra es el aumento de retoques estéticos, productos, moda, alimentación y nutrición”, manifesó y consideró que todo lo expuesto conduce a que la gente modifique su propia percepción, “haciendo que se considere vieja a una mujer de menos de 40 años, que es cuando las mujeres que viven de su imagen, tienen que comenzar a hacerse retoques estéticos. Las actrices y modelos sufren una enorme presión en este sentido, presión que no van a recibir sus compañeros masculinos para retocarse”.
Por último, plantó otra gran pregunta: “Si un hombre es viejo se le presume conocimiento e inteligencia e incluso atractivo. A una mujer de la misma edad ¿cómo la miramos?”.
![The circle is cast, we are between the worlds, 57” x 78”, oil, acrylic, moon water, amethyst, sugilite, tiger’s eye on Dibond panel, 2022View fullsize The circle is cast, we are between the worlds, 57” x 78”, oil, acrylic, moon water, amethyst, sugilite, tiger’s eye on Dibond panel, 2022 We are in a time of new suns, 57 x 78 inches, ”, oil, acrylic, watercolor, moon water, hematite and jade on Dibond panel, 2022. View fullsize We are in a time of new suns, 57 x 78 inches, ”, oil, acrylic, watercolor, moon water, hematite and jade on Dibond panel, 2022. My body knows of unheard songs, 57” x 78”, oil, acrylic, watercolor, moon water, amethyst, tourmaline, Hibiscus on Dibond panel, 2022 View fullsize My body knows of unheard songs, 57” x 78”, oil, acrylic, watercolor, moon water, amethyst, tourmaline, Hibiscus on Dibond panel, 2022 01 Fraleigh The Raving Ones Install.jpgView fullsize I wake knowing that I will sing again, if I promise to never look back, 40 x 30 inches oil on linen, 2022View fullsize I wake knowing that I will sing again, if I promise to never look back, 40 x 30 inches oil on linen, 2022 Turn your eyes to the heavens and say three times: I do not have to be good, 40 x 30 inches, oil on linen, 2022View fullsize Turn your eyes to the heavens and say three times: I do not have to be good, 40 x 30 inches, oil on linen, 2022 A word for what binds, Oil and charcoal on canvas, 40 x 30 in., 2022View fullsize A word for what binds, Oil and charcoal on canvas, 40 x 30 in., 2022 In an absent dream , Oil and charcoal on canvas, 40 x 30 in., 2022View fullsize In an absent dream , Oil and charcoal on canvas, 40 x 30 in., 2022 So help me on this full moon night ( A spell to enhance divination) 57” x 45”, oil, tigers eye, amethyst, moon water on dibond panel, 2022.View fullsize So help me on this full moon night ( A spell to enhance divination) 57” x 45”, oil, tigers eye, amethyst, moon water on dibond panel, 2022. You'd be surprised how many mountains you would crawl over (A spell for protection) 40' x 30”, oil on linen, 2022View fullsize You'd be surprised how many mountains you would crawl over (A spell for protection) 40' x 30”, oil on linen, 2022 With magic and mind ( A spell to move through time) 14” x 11”, oil on linen, 2022.View fullsize With magic and mind ( A spell to move through time) 14” x 11”, oil on linen, 2022. A memory from a time you felt content ( A spell to induce tenderness) 14 x 11”, oil and amazonite on linen, 2022View fullsize A memory from a time you felt content ( A spell to induce tenderness) 14 x 11”, oil and amazonite on linen, 2022 The wind brings kisses sweet as heaven ( A spell to summon unconditional love) 40 x 30”, oil on linen, 2022View fullsize The wind brings kisses sweet as heaven ( A spell to summon unconditional love) 40 x 30”, oil on linen, 2022 Stars splinter, pointed and wild 2022, Oil on linen, 40 x 30 x 1.5View fullsize Stars splinter, pointed and wild 2022, Oil on linen, 40 x 30 x 1.5 Splinters of a Secret Sky, Weatherspoon Art Museum A trio of 96” x 72” oil and acrylic paintings, on oil pigment stick wall drawing on phototex, 13ft x 27 ft, 2021. View fullsize Splinters of a Secret Sky, Weatherspoon Art Museum A trio of 96” x 72” oil and acrylic paintings, on oil pigment stick wall drawing on phototex, 13ft x 27 ft, 2021. Splinters of a Secret Sky: Skies 2021, Oil on canvas, individual painting from larger installation 96 x 72 x 2 inView fullsize Splinters of a Secret Sky: Skies 2021, Oil on canvas, individual painting from larger installation 96 x 72 x 2 in Splinters of a Secret Sky: Splinters 2021, Oil on canvas, individual painting from larger installation 96 x 72 x 2 inView fullsize Splinters of a Secret Sky: Splinters 2021, Oil on canvas, individual painting from larger installation 96 x 72 x 2 in Splinters of a Secret Sky: Secrets 2021, Oil on canvas, individual painting from larger installation 96 x 72 x 2 inView fullsize Splinters of a Secret Sky: Secrets 2021, Oil on canvas, individual painting from larger installation 96 x 72 x 2 in splinters_detail_1.jpegView fullsize Splinters of a Secret Sky DetailView fullsize Splinters of a Secret Sky Detail splinters_detail_3.jpegView fullsize splinters_detail_4.jpegView fullsize Fraleigh, Angela (M 10362D.012).jpgView fullsize Shaking to sound the silent skies. 48” x 36”, Oil and watercolor on linen over panel, 2021View fullsize Shaking to sound the silent skies. 48” x 36”, Oil and watercolor on linen over panel, 2021 Rooted in constellations, oil on linen, 90” x 66”, 2021View fullsize Rooted in constellations, oil on linen, 90” x 66”, 2021 Fluttering still, Oil on linen, 90' x 66', 2021View fullsize Fluttering still, Oil on linen, 90' x 66', 2021 Tumbling into light, 24” x 18”, oil on canvas over panel, 2021View fullsize Tumbling into light, 24” x 18”, oil on canvas over panel, 2021 The stars rise, the moon bends her arc, 40” x 30”, oil on linen, 2021View fullsize The stars rise, the moon bends her arc, 40” x 30”, oil on linen, 2021 A pang of livid light , 48” x 36”, Oil and watercolor on linen over panel, 2021View fullsize A pang of livid light , 48” x 36”, Oil and watercolor on linen over panel, 2021 Wait for me there, 18” x 24”, oil on canvas over panel, 2021View fullsize Wait for me there, 18” x 24”, oil on canvas over panel, 2021 Silent sparks, 24” x 18”, oil on canvas over panel, 2021View fullsize Silent sparks, 24” x 18”, oil on canvas over panel, 2021 From sunrise to sunset, 40” x 30”, oil on linen, 2021View fullsize From sunrise to sunset, 40” x 30”, oil on linen, 2021 Our world swells like dawn, when the sun licks the water, Installation view, Inman Gallery, Houston, TX, 2020View fullsize Our world swells like dawn, when the sun licks the water, Installation view, Inman Gallery, Houston, TX, 2020 Our world swells like dawn, when the sun licks the water, Installation view, Inman Gallery, Houston, TX, 2020View fullsize Our world swells like dawn, when the sun licks the water, Installation view, Inman Gallery, Houston, TX, 2020 04+our+world+swells+like+dawn+slight+space+copy.jpegView fullsize sound+the+deep+waters+slight+space.jpegView fullsize 03summer+ripens+at+all+hours+slight+space+copy.jpegView fullsize 05 Fraleigh fold in the sun copy.jpgView fullsize IMG_0965.jpegView fullsize Where is your graceful grove, with spring flowers and breezes, 2016 oil, acrylic, and marker on canvas 90 x 66 inchesView fullsize Where is your graceful grove, with spring flowers and breezes, 2016 oil, acrylic, and marker on canvas 90 x 66 inches And then we’ll walk right up to the sun, 2016 oil, acrylic, and marker on canvas 90 x 66 inchesView fullsize And then we’ll walk right up to the sun, 2016 oil, acrylic, and marker on canvas 90 x 66 inches Between tongue and teeth, 2016 oil, acrylic, and marker on canvas 90 x 90 inchesView fullsize Between tongue and teeth, 2016 oil, acrylic, and marker on canvas 90 x 90 inches One by one they have vanished into the blank behind their names, 2016 oil, acrylic, and marker on canvas 90 x 66 inchesView fullsize One by one they have vanished into the blank behind their names, 2016 oil, acrylic, and marker on canvas 90 x 66 inches Between Tongue and Teeth Installation View, Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, NY 2016View fullsize Between Tongue and Teeth Installation View, Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, NY 2016 10 Fraleigh Back portraits created for site-specific installation at the Vanderbilt Mansion.jpgView fullsize Between Tongue and Teeth Installation View, Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, NY 2016View fullsize Between Tongue and Teeth Installation View, Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, NY 2016 08 Fraleigh The Petunias, Larkspur and The Picnic copy.jpgView fullsize Shadows Searching for Light 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018View fullsize Shadows Searching for Light 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018 Shadows Searching for Light 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018View fullsize Shadows Searching for Light 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018 09 Fraleigh the sky has unfolded into night .jpgView fullsize Damp suns in disturbed skies 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018View fullsize Damp suns in disturbed skies 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018 Sunwise Turn 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018View fullsize Sunwise Turn 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018 The sweetness of your gaze 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018View fullsize The sweetness of your gaze 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018 Your sure eyes 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018View fullsize Your sure eyes 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018 when night begins to fall 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018View fullsize when night begins to fall 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018 Aloha Hive 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018View fullsize Aloha Hive 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018 When you have closed my eyes to the light, kiss them with a long kiss 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018View fullsize When you have closed my eyes to the light, kiss them with a long kiss 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018 Shimmering wind 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018View fullsize Shimmering wind 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018 In the dark, with the sound of the sea 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018View fullsize In the dark, with the sound of the sea 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018 Petunias, Larkspur and The Picnic Oil on linen over watercolor and gouache on phototex, 20' X 16”. Edward Hopper House Museum and Study Center, NYACK, NY, Installation view 2018View fullsize Petunias, Larkspur and The Picnic Oil on linen over watercolor and gouache on phototex, 20' X 16”. Edward Hopper House Museum and Study Center, NYACK, NY, Installation view 2018 Petunias, Larkspur and The Picnic 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018View fullsize Petunias, Larkspur and The Picnic 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018 Merry Makers 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018View fullsize Merry Makers 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018 No, my heart has never tired of you 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018View fullsize No, my heart has never tired of you 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018 The stars light up 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018View fullsize The stars light up 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018 Shadows Searching for Light Installation View Edward Hopper House Museum and Study Center, Nyack Ny 2018View fullsize Shadows Searching for Light Installation View Edward Hopper House Museum and Study Center, Nyack Ny 2018 Shimmering wind 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018View fullsize Shimmering wind 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018 Shadows Searching for Light Installation View Edward Hopper House Museum and Study Center, Nyack Ny 2018View fullsize Shadows Searching for Light Installation View Edward Hopper House Museum and Study Center, Nyack Ny 2018 Shadows Searching for Light Installation View Edward Hopper House Museum and Study Center, Nyack Ny 2018View fullsize Shadows Searching for Light Installation View Edward Hopper House Museum and Study Center, Nyack Ny 2018 Shadows Searching for Light Installation View Edward Hopper House Museum and Study Center, Nyack Ny 2018View fullsize Shadows Searching for Light Installation View Edward Hopper House Museum and Study Center, Nyack Ny 2018 Lost in the Light Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015View fullsize Lost in the Light Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015 Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015View fullsize Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015 Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015View fullsize Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015 Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015View fullsize Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015 'Between Tongue and Teeth' Everson Museum of Art. 2016. Installation shot. View fullsize 'Between Tongue and Teeth' Everson Museum of Art. 2016. Installation shot. The rhythms of stars on view in a site-specific painting exhibition entitled 'Lost in the Light' at the Vanderbilt Mansion in Hyde Park, NY.View fullsize The rhythms of stars on view in a site-specific painting exhibition entitled 'Lost in the Light' at the Vanderbilt Mansion in Hyde Park, NY. The rhythms of stars. Oil on canvas over panel. 24 x 18'. 2015View fullsize The rhythms of stars. Oil on canvas over panel. 24 x 18'. 2015 A late frost drifted back Installation of 'Lost in the Light' a site specific exhibiton of paintings at VanderbiltView fullsize A late frost drifted back Installation of 'Lost in the Light' a site specific exhibiton of paintings at Vanderbilt A late frost drifted back. Oil on Canvas. 24 X 18”. 2015.View fullsize A late frost drifted back. Oil on Canvas. 24 X 18”. 2015. Installation of 'Lost in the Light' a site-specific exhibition of paintings at Vanderbilt Mansion, Hyde Park, NYView fullsize Installation of 'Lost in the Light' a site-specific exhibition of paintings at Vanderbilt Mansion, Hyde Park, NY Lost in the Light. Oil, Gouache, Mica, Graphite and Synthetic Resin on Canvas. 54 x 84”. 2015View fullsize Lost in the Light. Oil, Gouache, Mica, Graphite and Synthetic Resin on Canvas. 54 x 84”. 2015 Installation of A chorus of reversals in 'Lost in the Light' a site-specific exhibition of paintings at Vanderbilt Mansion, Hyde Park, NYView fullsize Installation of A chorus of reversals in 'Lost in the Light' a site-specific exhibition of paintings at Vanderbilt Mansion, Hyde Park, NY A chorus of reversals, Oil on Canvas, 24 X 18”, 2015.View fullsize A chorus of reversals, Oil on Canvas, 24 X 18”, 2015. Our story was a ghostly one. Oil on Canvas. 24 X 18”. 2015.View fullsize Our story was a ghostly one. Oil on Canvas. 24 X 18”. 2015. The thin skin of our eyes. Oil on Canvas. 24 X 18”. 2015.View fullsize The thin skin of our eyes. Oil on Canvas. 24 X 18”. 2015. A song of seasons. Oil on canvas over panel. 24 x 18 in. 2015View fullsize A song of seasons. Oil on canvas over panel. 24 x 18 in. 2015 Let drip the spirits. Oil on canvas over panel. 24 x 18in. 2015View fullsize Let drip the spirits. Oil on canvas over panel. 24 x 18in. 2015 Bloodroot rested in vases. Oil on canvas over panel. 24 x 18in. 2015.View fullsize Bloodroot rested in vases. Oil on canvas over panel. 24 x 18in. 2015. Where lives like ours might be shimmering. Oil on canvas over panel. 24 x 18in. 2015.View fullsize Where lives like ours might be shimmering. Oil on canvas over panel. 24 x 18in. 2015. Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015View fullsize Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015 Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015View fullsize Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015 Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015View fullsize Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015 Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015View fullsize Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015 Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015View fullsize Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015 Lost in the Light Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015View fullsize Lost in the Light Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015 AF+199_With+ready+eyes_66x90_original.jpegView fullsize AF+202_Study+[in+yellow]_19x16x1_original.jpegView fullsize AF+203_Study+[blue+dress]_19x16x1_original.jpegView fullsize AF+205+_Study+Octavia+Butler+reading_19x16x1_original.jpegView fullsize AF+209_Studying+Veronica+Mars+reading_+19x16x1_original.jpegView fullsize AF+217_Study+for+With+ready+eyes_31x25x1_original.jpegView fullsize AF+217_Study+for+With+ready+eyes_31x25x1_original+copy.jpegView fullsize Our world swells like dawn, when the sun licks the water, Installation view, Inman Gallery, Houston, TX, 2020View fullsize Our world swells like dawn, when the sun licks the water, Installation view, Inman Gallery, Houston, TX, 2020 Our world swells like dawn, when the sun licks the water, Installation view, Inman Gallery, Houston, TX, 2020View fullsize Our world swells like dawn, when the sun licks the water, Installation view, Inman Gallery, Houston, TX, 2020 Our world swells like dawn, when the sun licks the water, Installation view, Inman Gallery, Houston, TX, 2020 Our world swells like dawn, when the sun licks the water, Installation view, Inman Gallery, Houston, TX, 2020 Angela+Fraleigh_Installation-5.jpegView fullsize Fraleigh,+Angela+(Fluttering+Still)+002.jpegView fullsize Fraleigh,+Angela+(Fluttering+Still)+003.jpegView fullsize Fraleigh,+Angela+(Fluttering+Still)+005.jpegView fullsize Fraleigh,+Angela+(Fluttering+Still)+006.jpegView fullsize Fraleigh,+Angela+(Fluttering+Still)+008.jpegView fullsize Fraleigh,+Angela+(Fluttering+Still)+hr+001.jpegView fullsize Fraleigh,+Angela+(Fluttering+Still)+hr+004.jpegView fullsize Fraleigh,+Angela+(Fluttering+Still)+hr+005.jpegView fullsize The Breezes at Dawn Have Secrets to Tell Installation View, Peters Projects, Santa Fe, NM 2017View fullsize The Breezes at Dawn Have Secrets to Tell Installation View, Peters Projects, Santa Fe, NM 2017 The Breezes at Dawn Have Secrets to Tell Installation View, Peters Projects, Santa Fe, NM 2017View fullsize The Breezes at Dawn Have Secrets to Tell Installation View, Peters Projects, Santa Fe, NM 2017 The Breezes at Dawn Have Secrets to Tell Installation View, Peters Projects, Santa Fe, NM 2017View fullsize The Breezes at Dawn Have Secrets to Tell Installation View, Peters Projects, Santa Fe, NM 2017 The Breezes at Dawn Have Secrets to Tell Installation View, Peters Projects, Santa Fe, NM 2017View fullsize The Breezes at Dawn Have Secrets to Tell Installation View, Peters Projects, Santa Fe, NM 2017 The Breezes at Dawn Have Secrets to Tell Installation View, Peters Projects, Santa Fe, NM 2017View fullsize The Breezes at Dawn Have Secrets to Tell Installation View, Peters Projects, Santa Fe, NM 2017 The Breezes at Dawn Have Secrets to Tell Installation View, Peters Projects, Santa Fe, NM 2017View fullsize The Breezes at Dawn Have Secrets to Tell Installation View, Peters Projects, Santa Fe, NM 2017 Kerry Inman and I at the opening of Ghosts in the Sunlight, Inman Gallery, Houston TXView fullsize Kerry Inman and I at the opening of Ghosts in the Sunlight, Inman Gallery, Houston TX Installation shot of Ghosts in the Sunlight, Inman Gallery, Houston, TXView fullsize Installation shot of Ghosts in the Sunlight, Inman Gallery, Houston, TX Installation shot of Ghosts in the Sunlight, Inman Gallery, Houston, TXView fullsize Installation shot of Ghosts in the Sunlight, Inman Gallery, Houston, TX Installation shot of Ghosts in the Sunlight, Inman Gallery, Houston, TXView fullsize Installation shot of Ghosts in the Sunlight, Inman Gallery, Houston, TX Installation shot of Ghosts in the Sunlight, Inman Gallery, Houston, TXView fullsize Installation shot of Ghosts in the Sunlight, Inman Gallery, Houston, TX they would tell each other you can live with this. oil on canvas over panel. 66 x 90”.View fullsize they would tell each other you can live with this. oil on canvas over panel. 66 x 90”. by then we will love ourselves less fiercely. pencil on paper. 22 x 30”. 2011View fullsize by then we will love ourselves less fiercely. pencil on paper. 22 x 30”. 2011 they would tell each other you can live with this, detail. oil on canvas over panel. 66 x 90”View fullsize they would tell each other you can live with this, detail. oil on canvas over panel. 66 x 90” maple water. pencil on paper. 22 x 30”. 2011View fullsize maple water. pencil on paper. 22 x 30”. 2011 splinter. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011View fullsize splinter. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011 you flutter invisible still. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011View fullsize you flutter invisible still. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011 these fragments i have stowed against my ruins. (detail) oil on canvas over panel. 66 x 90”. 2011View fullsize these fragments i have stowed against my ruins. (detail) oil on canvas over panel. 66 x 90”. 2011 swarm. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011View fullsize swarm. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011 far as my eyes could see. oil on canvas over panel. 66 x 90”. 2011View fullsize far as my eyes could see. oil on canvas over panel. 66 x 90”. 2011 We held hands beneath the dirt Oil on canvas over panel 14” x 11” 2014View fullsize We held hands beneath the dirt Oil on canvas over panel 14” x 11” 2014 i believe in you. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011.View fullsize i believe in you. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011. until what i love misses me. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011View fullsize until what i love misses me. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011 you still love the ones you loved. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011View fullsize you still love the ones you loved. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011 lonelily loomed into bone. wig, thistles, porcelain. 17 1/2 x 13 x 12”. 2011View fullsize lonelily loomed into bone. wig, thistles, porcelain. 17 1/2 x 13 x 12”. 2011 lonelily loomed into bone. (detail) wig, thistles, porcelain. 17 1/2 x 13 x 12”. 2011View fullsize lonelily loomed into bone. (detail) wig, thistles, porcelain. 17 1/2 x 13 x 12”. 2011 by the time i tell you it will all be forgotten inman gallery installation shotView fullsize by the time i tell you it will all be forgotten inman gallery installation shot by the time i tell you it will all be forgotten, before inman gallery talk with curator, writer, art historian- katie gehaView fullsize by the time i tell you it will all be forgotten, before inman gallery talk with curator, writer, art historian- katie geha between tongue and teeth Oil on canvas over panel 14” x 11” 2014View fullsize between tongue and teeth Oil on canvas over panel 14” x 11” 2014 For Ed: Splendor in the Grass for Olympic Lad and Lass Installation shot, 2013 Yale University School of Art, Green Hall Gallery, New Haven, CT This exhibiton was organized by Sam Messer and Robert Storr commemorating the 150th anniversary of Manet'sView fullsize For Ed: Splendor in the Grass for Olympic Lad and Lass Installation shot, 2013 Yale University School of Art, Green Hall Gallery, New Haven, CT This exhibiton was organized by Sam Messer and Robert Storr commemorating the 150th anniversary of Manet's Olympia and Le dejeuner sur l'herbe. baby+croc+detail.jpegView fullsize the quietest sounds on earth. oil on canvas. 96 X 192”. 2010View fullsize the quietest sounds on earth. oil on canvas. 96 X 192”. 2010 stillness steps, oil on canvas over panel, 14' x 11', 2015.View fullsize stillness steps, oil on canvas over panel, 14' x 11', 2015. Shedding light, oil on canvas over panel, 14' x 11', 2015.View fullsize Shedding light, oil on canvas over panel, 14' x 11', 2015. the edges of time, oil on canvas over panel, 14' x 11', 2015.View fullsize the edges of time, oil on canvas over panel, 14' x 11', 2015. Against the dying of the light Oil on canvas over panel 14” x 11” 2014View fullsize Against the dying of the light Oil on canvas over panel 14” x 11” 2014 winter reigns Oil on canvas over panel 14” x 11” 2014View fullsize winter reigns Oil on canvas over panel 14” x 11” 2014 remember your stories Oil on canvas over panel 14” x 11” 2014View fullsize remember your stories Oil on canvas over panel 14” x 11” 2014 morning hush Oil on canvas over panel 14” x 11” 2014View fullsize morning hush Oil on canvas over panel 14” x 11” 2014 days drift beyond reach Oil on canvas over panel 14” x 11” 2014View fullsize days drift beyond reach Oil on canvas over panel 14” x 11” 2014 before the sun Oil on canvas over panel 14” x 11” 2014View fullsize before the sun Oil on canvas over panel 14” x 11” 2014 gone Oil on canvas over panel 14” x 11” 2014View fullsize gone Oil on canvas over panel 14” x 11” 2014 Installation shot of Ghosts in the Sunlight, Inman Gallery, Houston, TXView fullsize Installation shot of Ghosts in the Sunlight, Inman Gallery, Houston, TX you’ve traveled this far on the back of every mistake. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011View fullsize you’ve traveled this far on the back of every mistake. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011 star by star stare stepping (detail)View fullsize star by star stare stepping (detail) star by star stare stepping (detail)View fullsize star by star stare stepping (detail) because of the bright edges pressing in. porcelain, kiln brick, embroidery thread, rubber band, wig tag, rock. 10 x 10 x 7”. 2011View fullsize because of the bright edges pressing in. porcelain, kiln brick, embroidery thread, rubber band, wig tag, rock. 10 x 10 x 7”. 2011 they would tell each other you can live with this. detail oil on canvas over panel. 66 x 90”.View fullsize they would tell each other you can live with this. detail oil on canvas over panel. 66 x 90”. hush. porcelain, embroidery thread, safety pin. 10 x 10 x 7”. 2011View fullsize hush. porcelain, embroidery thread, safety pin. 10 x 10 x 7”. 2011 we will already have said the things that need to be said. porcelain, human hair, glass, metall (found object). 10 x 10x 10”. 2011View fullsize we will already have said the things that need to be said. porcelain, human hair, glass, metall (found object). 10 x 10x 10”. 2011 these fragments i have shored against my ruins. oil on canvas over panel. 66 x 90”. 2011View fullsize these fragments i have shored against my ruins. oil on canvas over panel. 66 x 90”. 2011 IMG_4623.jpegView fullsize IMG_4624.jpegView fullsize flood. pencil on paper. 30 x 22”. 2011.View fullsize flood. pencil on paper. 30 x 22”. 2011. IMG_4627.jpegView fullsize IMG_4647.jpegView fullsize IMG_7317.jpegView fullsize install+gallery+a5+copy.jpegView fullsize Instrument installation in Lovestad, Sweden with Johanna Kindvall, Wesley Heiss and Marek Walczak.... more images to comeView fullsize Instrument installation in Lovestad, Sweden with Johanna Kindvall, Wesley Heiss and Marek Walczak.... more images to come new+2.jpegView fullsize new+3.jpegView fullsize new1.jpegView fullsize no field ever felt the sky, it never fell. oil on canvas. 72” x 84”. 2013View fullsize no field ever felt the sky, it never fell. oil on canvas. 72” x 84”. 2013 shine, oil and synthetic resin on canvas over panel, 14' x 11', 2015.View fullsize shine, oil and synthetic resin on canvas over panel, 14' x 11', 2015. regret not one of the wasted days you wanted to know nothing. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011View fullsize regret not one of the wasted days you wanted to know nothing. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011 sometimes it is what we don’t say that saves us. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011.View fullsize sometimes it is what we don’t say that saves us. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011. stories about the girl will be the stories you end up telling, oil on canvas over panel, 14' x 11', 2015.View fullsize stories about the girl will be the stories you end up telling, oil on canvas over panel, 14' x 11', 2015. the things we dare not say (detail)View fullsize the things we dare not say (detail) the things we dare not say. (detail)View fullsize the things we dare not say. (detail) each kindness reaching toward another. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011.View fullsize each kindness reaching toward another. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011. each kindness reaching toward another. (detail) pencil on paper. 11 x 15” 2011.View fullsize each kindness reaching toward another. (detail) pencil on paper. 11 x 15” 2011. untitled study.unique print, stone lithography on mylar. 16 x 20”. 2013.View fullsize untitled study.unique print, stone lithography on mylar. 16 x 20”. 2013. you+were+meant+to+inhale.jpegView fullsize we are made of stars, oil on canvas over panel, 14' x 11', 2015.View fullsize we are made of stars, oil on canvas over panel, 14' x 11', 2015. yale-detail.jpegView fullsize you weren't haunted those two days, you were filled with light. oil on canvas. 36 x 48”. 2013.View fullsize you weren't haunted those two days, you were filled with light. oil on canvas. 36 x 48”. 2013, Angela Fraleigh. The circle is cast, we are between the worlds, 57” x 78”, oil, acrylic, moon water, amethyst, sugilite, tiger’s eye on Dibond panel, 2022View fullsize The circle is cast, we are between the worlds, 57” x 78”, oil, acrylic, moon water, amethyst, sugilite, tiger’s eye on Dibond panel, 2022 We are in a time of new suns, 57 x 78 inches, ”, oil, acrylic, watercolor, moon water, hematite and jade on Dibond panel, 2022. View fullsize We are in a time of new suns, 57 x 78 inches, ”, oil, acrylic, watercolor, moon water, hematite and jade on Dibond panel, 2022. My body knows of unheard songs, 57” x 78”, oil, acrylic, watercolor, moon water, amethyst, tourmaline, Hibiscus on Dibond panel, 2022 View fullsize My body knows of unheard songs, 57” x 78”, oil, acrylic, watercolor, moon water, amethyst, tourmaline, Hibiscus on Dibond panel, 2022 01 Fraleigh The Raving Ones Install.jpgView fullsize I wake knowing that I will sing again, if I promise to never look back, 40 x 30 inches oil on linen, 2022View fullsize I wake knowing that I will sing again, if I promise to never look back, 40 x 30 inches oil on linen, 2022 Turn your eyes to the heavens and say three times: I do not have to be good, 40 x 30 inches, oil on linen, 2022View fullsize Turn your eyes to the heavens and say three times: I do not have to be good, 40 x 30 inches, oil on linen, 2022 A word for what binds, Oil and charcoal on canvas, 40 x 30 in., 2022View fullsize A word for what binds, Oil and charcoal on canvas, 40 x 30 in., 2022 In an absent dream , Oil and charcoal on canvas, 40 x 30 in., 2022View fullsize In an absent dream , Oil and charcoal on canvas, 40 x 30 in., 2022 So help me on this full moon night ( A spell to enhance divination) 57” x 45”, oil, tigers eye, amethyst, moon water on dibond panel, 2022.View fullsize So help me on this full moon night ( A spell to enhance divination) 57” x 45”, oil, tigers eye, amethyst, moon water on dibond panel, 2022. You'd be surprised how many mountains you would crawl over (A spell for protection) 40' x 30”, oil on linen, 2022View fullsize You'd be surprised how many mountains you would crawl over (A spell for protection) 40' x 30”, oil on linen, 2022 With magic and mind ( A spell to move through time) 14” x 11”, oil on linen, 2022.View fullsize With magic and mind ( A spell to move through time) 14” x 11”, oil on linen, 2022. A memory from a time you felt content ( A spell to induce tenderness) 14 x 11”, oil and amazonite on linen, 2022View fullsize A memory from a time you felt content ( A spell to induce tenderness) 14 x 11”, oil and amazonite on linen, 2022 The wind brings kisses sweet as heaven ( A spell to summon unconditional love) 40 x 30”, oil on linen, 2022View fullsize The wind brings kisses sweet as heaven ( A spell to summon unconditional love) 40 x 30”, oil on linen, 2022 Stars splinter, pointed and wild 2022, Oil on linen, 40 x 30 x 1.5View fullsize Stars splinter, pointed and wild 2022, Oil on linen, 40 x 30 x 1.5 Splinters of a Secret Sky, Weatherspoon Art Museum A trio of 96” x 72” oil and acrylic paintings, on oil pigment stick wall drawing on phototex, 13ft x 27 ft, 2021. View fullsize Splinters of a Secret Sky, Weatherspoon Art Museum A trio of 96” x 72” oil and acrylic paintings, on oil pigment stick wall drawing on phototex, 13ft x 27 ft, 2021. Splinters of a Secret Sky: Skies 2021, Oil on canvas, individual painting from larger installation 96 x 72 x 2 inView fullsize Splinters of a Secret Sky: Skies 2021, Oil on canvas, individual painting from larger installation 96 x 72 x 2 in Splinters of a Secret Sky: Splinters 2021, Oil on canvas, individual painting from larger installation 96 x 72 x 2 inView fullsize Splinters of a Secret Sky: Splinters 2021, Oil on canvas, individual painting from larger installation 96 x 72 x 2 in Splinters of a Secret Sky: Secrets 2021, Oil on canvas, individual painting from larger installation 96 x 72 x 2 inView fullsize Splinters of a Secret Sky: Secrets 2021, Oil on canvas, individual painting from larger installation 96 x 72 x 2 in splinters_detail_1.jpegView fullsize Splinters of a Secret Sky DetailView fullsize Splinters of a Secret Sky Detail splinters_detail_3.jpegView fullsize splinters_detail_4.jpegView fullsize Fraleigh, Angela (M 10362D.012).jpgView fullsize Shaking to sound the silent skies. 48” x 36”, Oil and watercolor on linen over panel, 2021View fullsize Shaking to sound the silent skies. 48” x 36”, Oil and watercolor on linen over panel, 2021 Rooted in constellations, oil on linen, 90” x 66”, 2021View fullsize Rooted in constellations, oil on linen, 90” x 66”, 2021 Fluttering still, Oil on linen, 90' x 66', 2021View fullsize Fluttering still, Oil on linen, 90' x 66', 2021 Tumbling into light, 24” x 18”, oil on canvas over panel, 2021View fullsize Tumbling into light, 24” x 18”, oil on canvas over panel, 2021 The stars rise, the moon bends her arc, 40” x 30”, oil on linen, 2021View fullsize The stars rise, the moon bends her arc, 40” x 30”, oil on linen, 2021 A pang of livid light , 48” x 36”, Oil and watercolor on linen over panel, 2021View fullsize A pang of livid light , 48” x 36”, Oil and watercolor on linen over panel, 2021 Wait for me there, 18” x 24”, oil on canvas over panel, 2021View fullsize Wait for me there, 18” x 24”, oil on canvas over panel, 2021 Silent sparks, 24” x 18”, oil on canvas over panel, 2021View fullsize Silent sparks, 24” x 18”, oil on canvas over panel, 2021 From sunrise to sunset, 40” x 30”, oil on linen, 2021View fullsize From sunrise to sunset, 40” x 30”, oil on linen, 2021 Our world swells like dawn, when the sun licks the water, Installation view, Inman Gallery, Houston, TX, 2020View fullsize Our world swells like dawn, when the sun licks the water, Installation view, Inman Gallery, Houston, TX, 2020 Our world swells like dawn, when the sun licks the water, Installation view, Inman Gallery, Houston, TX, 2020View fullsize Our world swells like dawn, when the sun licks the water, Installation view, Inman Gallery, Houston, TX, 2020 04+our+world+swells+like+dawn+slight+space+copy.jpegView fullsize sound+the+deep+waters+slight+space.jpegView fullsize 03summer+ripens+at+all+hours+slight+space+copy.jpegView fullsize 05 Fraleigh fold in the sun copy.jpgView fullsize IMG_0965.jpegView fullsize Where is your graceful grove, with spring flowers and breezes, 2016 oil, acrylic, and marker on canvas 90 x 66 inchesView fullsize Where is your graceful grove, with spring flowers and breezes, 2016 oil, acrylic, and marker on canvas 90 x 66 inches And then we’ll walk right up to the sun, 2016 oil, acrylic, and marker on canvas 90 x 66 inchesView fullsize And then we’ll walk right up to the sun, 2016 oil, acrylic, and marker on canvas 90 x 66 inches Between tongue and teeth, 2016 oil, acrylic, and marker on canvas 90 x 90 inchesView fullsize Between tongue and teeth, 2016 oil, acrylic, and marker on canvas 90 x 90 inches One by one they have vanished into the blank behind their names, 2016 oil, acrylic, and marker on canvas 90 x 66 inchesView fullsize One by one they have vanished into the blank behind their names, 2016 oil, acrylic, and marker on canvas 90 x 66 inches Between Tongue and Teeth Installation View, Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, NY 2016View fullsize Between Tongue and Teeth Installation View, Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, NY 2016 10 Fraleigh Back portraits created for site-specific installation at the Vanderbilt Mansion.jpgView fullsize Between Tongue and Teeth Installation View, Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, NY 2016View fullsize Between Tongue and Teeth Installation View, Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, NY 2016 08 Fraleigh The Petunias, Larkspur and The Picnic copy.jpgView fullsize Shadows Searching for Light 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018View fullsize Shadows Searching for Light 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018 Shadows Searching for Light 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018View fullsize Shadows Searching for Light 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018 09 Fraleigh the sky has unfolded into night .jpgView fullsize Damp suns in disturbed skies 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018View fullsize Damp suns in disturbed skies 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018 Sunwise Turn 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018View fullsize Sunwise Turn 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018 The sweetness of your gaze 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018View fullsize The sweetness of your gaze 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018 Your sure eyes 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018View fullsize Your sure eyes 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018 when night begins to fall 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018View fullsize when night begins to fall 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018 Aloha Hive 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018View fullsize Aloha Hive 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018 When you have closed my eyes to the light, kiss them with a long kiss 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018View fullsize When you have closed my eyes to the light, kiss them with a long kiss 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018 Shimmering wind 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018View fullsize Shimmering wind 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018 In the dark, with the sound of the sea 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018View fullsize In the dark, with the sound of the sea 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018 Petunias, Larkspur and The Picnic Oil on linen over watercolor and gouache on phototex, 20' X 16”. Edward Hopper House Museum and Study Center, NYACK, NY, Installation view 2018View fullsize Petunias, Larkspur and The Picnic Oil on linen over watercolor and gouache on phototex, 20' X 16”. Edward Hopper House Museum and Study Center, NYACK, NY, Installation view 2018 Petunias, Larkspur and The Picnic 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018View fullsize Petunias, Larkspur and The Picnic 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018 Merry Makers 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018View fullsize Merry Makers 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018 No, my heart has never tired of you 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018View fullsize No, my heart has never tired of you 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018 The stars light up 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018View fullsize The stars light up 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018 Shadows Searching for Light Installation View Edward Hopper House Museum and Study Center, Nyack Ny 2018View fullsize Shadows Searching for Light Installation View Edward Hopper House Museum and Study Center, Nyack Ny 2018 Shimmering wind 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018View fullsize Shimmering wind 20” x 16”. oil on linen. 2018 Shadows Searching for Light Installation View Edward Hopper House Museum and Study Center, Nyack Ny 2018View fullsize Shadows Searching for Light Installation View Edward Hopper House Museum and Study Center, Nyack Ny 2018 Shadows Searching for Light Installation View Edward Hopper House Museum and Study Center, Nyack Ny 2018View fullsize Shadows Searching for Light Installation View Edward Hopper House Museum and Study Center, Nyack Ny 2018 Shadows Searching for Light Installation View Edward Hopper House Museum and Study Center, Nyack Ny 2018View fullsize Shadows Searching for Light Installation View Edward Hopper House Museum and Study Center, Nyack Ny 2018 Lost in the Light Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015View fullsize Lost in the Light Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015 Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015View fullsize Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015 Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015View fullsize Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015 Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015View fullsize Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015 'Between Tongue and Teeth' Everson Museum of Art. 2016. Installation shot. View fullsize 'Between Tongue and Teeth' Everson Museum of Art. 2016. Installation shot. The rhythms of stars on view in a site-specific painting exhibition entitled 'Lost in the Light' at the Vanderbilt Mansion in Hyde Park, NY.View fullsize The rhythms of stars on view in a site-specific painting exhibition entitled 'Lost in the Light' at the Vanderbilt Mansion in Hyde Park, NY. The rhythms of stars. Oil on canvas over panel. 24 x 18'. 2015View fullsize The rhythms of stars. Oil on canvas over panel. 24 x 18'. 2015 A late frost drifted back Installation of 'Lost in the Light' a site specific exhibiton of paintings at VanderbiltView fullsize A late frost drifted back Installation of 'Lost in the Light' a site specific exhibiton of paintings at Vanderbilt A late frost drifted back. Oil on Canvas. 24 X 18”. 2015.View fullsize A late frost drifted back. Oil on Canvas. 24 X 18”. 2015. Installation of 'Lost in the Light' a site-specific exhibition of paintings at Vanderbilt Mansion, Hyde Park, NYView fullsize Installation of 'Lost in the Light' a site-specific exhibition of paintings at Vanderbilt Mansion, Hyde Park, NY Lost in the Light. Oil, Gouache, Mica, Graphite and Synthetic Resin on Canvas. 54 x 84”. 2015View fullsize Lost in the Light. Oil, Gouache, Mica, Graphite and Synthetic Resin on Canvas. 54 x 84”. 2015 Installation of A chorus of reversals in 'Lost in the Light' a site-specific exhibition of paintings at Vanderbilt Mansion, Hyde Park, NYView fullsize Installation of A chorus of reversals in 'Lost in the Light' a site-specific exhibition of paintings at Vanderbilt Mansion, Hyde Park, NY A chorus of reversals, Oil on Canvas, 24 X 18”, 2015.View fullsize A chorus of reversals, Oil on Canvas, 24 X 18”, 2015. Our story was a ghostly one. Oil on Canvas. 24 X 18”. 2015.View fullsize Our story was a ghostly one. Oil on Canvas. 24 X 18”. 2015. The thin skin of our eyes. Oil on Canvas. 24 X 18”. 2015.View fullsize The thin skin of our eyes. Oil on Canvas. 24 X 18”. 2015. A song of seasons. Oil on canvas over panel. 24 x 18 in. 2015View fullsize A song of seasons. Oil on canvas over panel. 24 x 18 in. 2015 Let drip the spirits. Oil on canvas over panel. 24 x 18in. 2015View fullsize Let drip the spirits. Oil on canvas over panel. 24 x 18in. 2015 Bloodroot rested in vases. Oil on canvas over panel. 24 x 18in. 2015.View fullsize Bloodroot rested in vases. Oil on canvas over panel. 24 x 18in. 2015. Where lives like ours might be shimmering. Oil on canvas over panel. 24 x 18in. 2015.View fullsize Where lives like ours might be shimmering. Oil on canvas over panel. 24 x 18in. 2015. Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015View fullsize Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015 Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015View fullsize Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015 Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015View fullsize Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015 Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015View fullsize Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015 Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015View fullsize Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015 Lost in the Light Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015View fullsize Lost in the Light Installation View, Vanderbilt Mansion Museum, Hyde Park, NY 2015 AF+199_With+ready+eyes_66x90_original.jpegView fullsize AF+202_Study+[in+yellow]_19x16x1_original.jpegView fullsize AF+203_Study+[blue+dress]_19x16x1_original.jpegView fullsize AF+205+_Study+Octavia+Butler+reading_19x16x1_original.jpegView fullsize AF+209_Studying+Veronica+Mars+reading_+19x16x1_original.jpegView fullsize AF+217_Study+for+With+ready+eyes_31x25x1_original.jpegView fullsize AF+217_Study+for+With+ready+eyes_31x25x1_original+copy.jpegView fullsize Our world swells like dawn, when the sun licks the water, Installation view, Inman Gallery, Houston, TX, 2020View fullsize Our world swells like dawn, when the sun licks the water, Installation view, Inman Gallery, Houston, TX, 2020 Our world swells like dawn, when the sun licks the water, Installation view, Inman Gallery, Houston, TX, 2020View fullsize Our world swells like dawn, when the sun licks the water, Installation view, Inman Gallery, Houston, TX, 2020 Our world swells like dawn, when the sun licks the water, Installation view, Inman Gallery, Houston, TX, 2020 Our world swells like dawn, when the sun licks the water, Installation view, Inman Gallery, Houston, TX, 2020 Angela+Fraleigh_Installation-5.jpegView fullsize Fraleigh,+Angela+(Fluttering+Still)+002.jpegView fullsize Fraleigh,+Angela+(Fluttering+Still)+003.jpegView fullsize Fraleigh,+Angela+(Fluttering+Still)+005.jpegView fullsize Fraleigh,+Angela+(Fluttering+Still)+006.jpegView fullsize Fraleigh,+Angela+(Fluttering+Still)+008.jpegView fullsize Fraleigh,+Angela+(Fluttering+Still)+hr+001.jpegView fullsize Fraleigh,+Angela+(Fluttering+Still)+hr+004.jpegView fullsize Fraleigh,+Angela+(Fluttering+Still)+hr+005.jpegView fullsize The Breezes at Dawn Have Secrets to Tell Installation View, Peters Projects, Santa Fe, NM 2017View fullsize The Breezes at Dawn Have Secrets to Tell Installation View, Peters Projects, Santa Fe, NM 2017 The Breezes at Dawn Have Secrets to Tell Installation View, Peters Projects, Santa Fe, NM 2017View fullsize The Breezes at Dawn Have Secrets to Tell Installation View, Peters Projects, Santa Fe, NM 2017 The Breezes at Dawn Have Secrets to Tell Installation View, Peters Projects, Santa Fe, NM 2017View fullsize The Breezes at Dawn Have Secrets to Tell Installation View, Peters Projects, Santa Fe, NM 2017 The Breezes at Dawn Have Secrets to Tell Installation View, Peters Projects, Santa Fe, NM 2017View fullsize The Breezes at Dawn Have Secrets to Tell Installation View, Peters Projects, Santa Fe, NM 2017 The Breezes at Dawn Have Secrets to Tell Installation View, Peters Projects, Santa Fe, NM 2017View fullsize The Breezes at Dawn Have Secrets to Tell Installation View, Peters Projects, Santa Fe, NM 2017 The Breezes at Dawn Have Secrets to Tell Installation View, Peters Projects, Santa Fe, NM 2017View fullsize The Breezes at Dawn Have Secrets to Tell Installation View, Peters Projects, Santa Fe, NM 2017 Kerry Inman and I at the opening of Ghosts in the Sunlight, Inman Gallery, Houston TXView fullsize Kerry Inman and I at the opening of Ghosts in the Sunlight, Inman Gallery, Houston TX Installation shot of Ghosts in the Sunlight, Inman Gallery, Houston, TXView fullsize Installation shot of Ghosts in the Sunlight, Inman Gallery, Houston, TX Installation shot of Ghosts in the Sunlight, Inman Gallery, Houston, TXView fullsize Installation shot of Ghosts in the Sunlight, Inman Gallery, Houston, TX Installation shot of Ghosts in the Sunlight, Inman Gallery, Houston, TXView fullsize Installation shot of Ghosts in the Sunlight, Inman Gallery, Houston, TX Installation shot of Ghosts in the Sunlight, Inman Gallery, Houston, TXView fullsize Installation shot of Ghosts in the Sunlight, Inman Gallery, Houston, TX they would tell each other you can live with this. oil on canvas over panel. 66 x 90”.View fullsize they would tell each other you can live with this. oil on canvas over panel. 66 x 90”. by then we will love ourselves less fiercely. pencil on paper. 22 x 30”. 2011View fullsize by then we will love ourselves less fiercely. pencil on paper. 22 x 30”. 2011 they would tell each other you can live with this, detail. oil on canvas over panel. 66 x 90”View fullsize they would tell each other you can live with this, detail. oil on canvas over panel. 66 x 90” maple water. pencil on paper. 22 x 30”. 2011View fullsize maple water. pencil on paper. 22 x 30”. 2011 splinter. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011View fullsize splinter. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011 you flutter invisible still. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011View fullsize you flutter invisible still. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011 these fragments i have stowed against my ruins. (detail) oil on canvas over panel. 66 x 90”. 2011View fullsize these fragments i have stowed against my ruins. (detail) oil on canvas over panel. 66 x 90”. 2011 swarm. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011View fullsize swarm. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011 far as my eyes could see. oil on canvas over panel. 66 x 90”. 2011View fullsize far as my eyes could see. oil on canvas over panel. 66 x 90”. 2011 We held hands beneath the dirt Oil on canvas over panel 14” x 11” 2014View fullsize We held hands beneath the dirt Oil on canvas over panel 14” x 11” 2014 i believe in you. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011.View fullsize i believe in you. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011. until what i love misses me. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011View fullsize until what i love misses me. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011 you still love the ones you loved. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011View fullsize you still love the ones you loved. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011 lonelily loomed into bone. wig, thistles, porcelain. 17 1/2 x 13 x 12”. 2011View fullsize lonelily loomed into bone. wig, thistles, porcelain. 17 1/2 x 13 x 12”. 2011 lonelily loomed into bone. (detail) wig, thistles, porcelain. 17 1/2 x 13 x 12”. 2011View fullsize lonelily loomed into bone. (detail) wig, thistles, porcelain. 17 1/2 x 13 x 12”. 2011 by the time i tell you it will all be forgotten inman gallery installation shotView fullsize by the time i tell you it will all be forgotten inman gallery installation shot by the time i tell you it will all be forgotten, before inman gallery talk with curator, writer, art historian- katie gehaView fullsize by the time i tell you it will all be forgotten, before inman gallery talk with curator, writer, art historian- katie geha between tongue and teeth Oil on canvas over panel 14” x 11” 2014View fullsize between tongue and teeth Oil on canvas over panel 14” x 11” 2014 For Ed: Splendor in the Grass for Olympic Lad and Lass Installation shot, 2013 Yale University School of Art, Green Hall Gallery, New Haven, CT This exhibiton was organized by Sam Messer and Robert Storr commemorating the 150th anniversary of Manet'sView fullsize For Ed: Splendor in the Grass for Olympic Lad and Lass Installation shot, 2013 Yale University School of Art, Green Hall Gallery, New Haven, CT This exhibiton was organized by Sam Messer and Robert Storr commemorating the 150th anniversary of Manet's Olympia and Le dejeuner sur l'herbe. baby+croc+detail.jpegView fullsize the quietest sounds on earth. oil on canvas. 96 X 192”. 2010View fullsize the quietest sounds on earth. oil on canvas. 96 X 192”. 2010 stillness steps, oil on canvas over panel, 14' x 11', 2015.View fullsize stillness steps, oil on canvas over panel, 14' x 11', 2015. Shedding light, oil on canvas over panel, 14' x 11', 2015.View fullsize Shedding light, oil on canvas over panel, 14' x 11', 2015. the edges of time, oil on canvas over panel, 14' x 11', 2015.View fullsize the edges of time, oil on canvas over panel, 14' x 11', 2015. Against the dying of the light Oil on canvas over panel 14” x 11” 2014View fullsize Against the dying of the light Oil on canvas over panel 14” x 11” 2014 winter reigns Oil on canvas over panel 14” x 11” 2014View fullsize winter reigns Oil on canvas over panel 14” x 11” 2014 remember your stories Oil on canvas over panel 14” x 11” 2014View fullsize remember your stories Oil on canvas over panel 14” x 11” 2014 morning hush Oil on canvas over panel 14” x 11” 2014View fullsize morning hush Oil on canvas over panel 14” x 11” 2014 days drift beyond reach Oil on canvas over panel 14” x 11” 2014View fullsize days drift beyond reach Oil on canvas over panel 14” x 11” 2014 before the sun Oil on canvas over panel 14” x 11” 2014View fullsize before the sun Oil on canvas over panel 14” x 11” 2014 gone Oil on canvas over panel 14” x 11” 2014View fullsize gone Oil on canvas over panel 14” x 11” 2014 Installation shot of Ghosts in the Sunlight, Inman Gallery, Houston, TXView fullsize Installation shot of Ghosts in the Sunlight, Inman Gallery, Houston, TX you’ve traveled this far on the back of every mistake. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011View fullsize you’ve traveled this far on the back of every mistake. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011 star by star stare stepping (detail)View fullsize star by star stare stepping (detail) star by star stare stepping (detail)View fullsize star by star stare stepping (detail) because of the bright edges pressing in. porcelain, kiln brick, embroidery thread, rubber band, wig tag, rock. 10 x 10 x 7”. 2011View fullsize because of the bright edges pressing in. porcelain, kiln brick, embroidery thread, rubber band, wig tag, rock. 10 x 10 x 7”. 2011 they would tell each other you can live with this. detail oil on canvas over panel. 66 x 90”.View fullsize they would tell each other you can live with this. detail oil on canvas over panel. 66 x 90”. hush. porcelain, embroidery thread, safety pin. 10 x 10 x 7”. 2011View fullsize hush. porcelain, embroidery thread, safety pin. 10 x 10 x 7”. 2011 we will already have said the things that need to be said. porcelain, human hair, glass, metall (found object). 10 x 10x 10”. 2011View fullsize we will already have said the things that need to be said. porcelain, human hair, glass, metall (found object). 10 x 10x 10”. 2011 these fragments i have shored against my ruins. oil on canvas over panel. 66 x 90”. 2011View fullsize these fragments i have shored against my ruins. oil on canvas over panel. 66 x 90”. 2011 IMG_4623.jpegView fullsize IMG_4624.jpegView fullsize flood. pencil on paper. 30 x 22”. 2011.View fullsize flood. pencil on paper. 30 x 22”. 2011. IMG_4627.jpegView fullsize IMG_4647.jpegView fullsize IMG_7317.jpegView fullsize install+gallery+a5+copy.jpegView fullsize Instrument installation in Lovestad, Sweden with Johanna Kindvall, Wesley Heiss and Marek Walczak.... more images to comeView fullsize Instrument installation in Lovestad, Sweden with Johanna Kindvall, Wesley Heiss and Marek Walczak.... more images to come new+2.jpegView fullsize new+3.jpegView fullsize new1.jpegView fullsize no field ever felt the sky, it never fell. oil on canvas. 72” x 84”. 2013View fullsize no field ever felt the sky, it never fell. oil on canvas. 72” x 84”. 2013 shine, oil and synthetic resin on canvas over panel, 14' x 11', 2015.View fullsize shine, oil and synthetic resin on canvas over panel, 14' x 11', 2015. regret not one of the wasted days you wanted to know nothing. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011View fullsize regret not one of the wasted days you wanted to know nothing. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011 sometimes it is what we don’t say that saves us. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011.View fullsize sometimes it is what we don’t say that saves us. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011. stories about the girl will be the stories you end up telling, oil on canvas over panel, 14' x 11', 2015.View fullsize stories about the girl will be the stories you end up telling, oil on canvas over panel, 14' x 11', 2015. the things we dare not say (detail)View fullsize the things we dare not say (detail) the things we dare not say. (detail)View fullsize the things we dare not say. (detail) each kindness reaching toward another. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011.View fullsize each kindness reaching toward another. pencil on paper. 11 x 15”. 2011. each kindness reaching toward another. (detail) pencil on paper. 11 x 15” 2011.View fullsize each kindness reaching toward another. (detail) pencil on paper. 11 x 15” 2011. untitled study.unique print, stone lithography on mylar. 16 x 20”. 2013.View fullsize untitled study.unique print, stone lithography on mylar. 16 x 20”. 2013. you+were+meant+to+inhale.jpegView fullsize we are made of stars, oil on canvas over panel, 14' x 11', 2015.View fullsize we are made of stars, oil on canvas over panel, 14' x 11', 2015. yale-detail.jpegView fullsize you weren't haunted those two days, you were filled with light. oil on canvas. 36 x 48”. 2013.View fullsize you weren't haunted those two days, you were filled with light. oil on canvas. 36 x 48”. 2013, Angela Fraleigh.](/export/sites/rosario3/img/2023/03/05/angelafraleight3.jpg_134009968.jpg)
La discriminación de la mujer por su edad obedece a las reglas impuestas por una cultura patriarcal y capitalista que se nutre y da de comer a un mercado económico sustentado en la disconformidad, la inseguridad y el temor a la vejez. “El patriarcado es la mano que mece esta cuna -estableció Tango- nos impone cómo tienen que ser nuestros cuerpos, es decir, cómo les gustan a los hombres nuestros cuerpos y el capitalismo es el que provee de falsas soluciones contra el paso del tiempo y ganan mucho dinero con todos esos productos”, destacó.
Según la escritora, ese universo está distorsionando y modificando el mundo real. “Si no se muestra gente mayor de verdad, no modelos que parecen tener 25 años con canas si no cuerpos de señoras mayores reales, como dice la investigadora Anna Freixas, de 80 años que parezca que tengan 80 años de verdad, pues vivimos en ese mundo paralelo donde la vejez de la mujer no existe y por tanto es rechazada”, completó.
Ninguna pausa
No Pausa es una organización que intenta acompañar a las mujeres que dejarán de menstruar. Desde este espacio, Milagros Kirpach, indagó sobre qué implica socialmente la menopausia: “Asociamos a la menstruación con la feminidad y la reproducción con la producción. Con la menopausia, técnicamente perdemos esa potencialidad de reproducción. La fecha de nuestra última menstruación marca el “fin de la vida reproductiva” con lo cual podemos decir que, en el imaginario colectivo, dejamos de ser funcionales o útiles a ese sistema. El fin de la reproducción se asocia al fin de la producción”, analizó.
Desde No Pausa siguen de cerca las menciones hechas sobre la menopausia en Argentina. “Las pocas veces que alguien del medio ha hecho referencia, hemos escuchado cosas como «Me puse el chip sexual y volví a ser una bomba en la cama» (esto desinforma, la sexualidad es una construcción, nadie se pone un pellet hormonal (la forma técnica de nombrar al chip) y está saltando por las paredes). También hay un insulto muy común en el medio que es el de “concha seca”. Lo que nos olvidamos es que el 75% de quienes entramos en esta etapa vamos a tener sequedad vulvo- vaginal”, lamentó.
En la misma sintonía, Tango manifestó: “Nos quiere desechar porque ya no somos útiles en esa visión única del papel de la mujer -la de la reproducción- pero la realidad es que para muchas mujeres es una liberación dejar de menstruar. El estigma de la menopausia debe ser destruido y no vivirlo como una enfermedad. La activista May Serrano dice, al respecto, que hay que desvincular el climaterio de la función reproductiva para entender que no es una enfermedad si no algo natural, que es un periodo de unos diez años en el que el cuerpo se está preparando para dejar de ovular, momento que se da en la última menstruación y eso es la llamada menopausia, esa última menstruación”.

Envejecer en paz
Revertir esta forma asfixiante y artificial de atravesar el tiempo y sus marcas es todavía un desafío del feminismo. Reconocernos con otros ojos es posible, de acuerdo a las pensadoras consultadas. “Les diría a las mujeres que se sienten viejas que pongan en crisis estos mandatos ancestrales en torno a una supuesta belleza, que solo es juvenil, que comiencen a animarse a mirar, a mirarse al espejo porque seguramente van a encontrar nuevas bellezas”, expresó Davobe y añadió: “Es muy importante la difusión de los nuevos paradigmas sobre el envejecimiento que ya desde la ciencia y desde la tecnología venimos trabajando, por lo menos desde hace 40 años atrás. Es necesario programas educativos, o sea, una educación no viejista que empiece a desarrollarse desde el jardín de infantes hasta la universidad. Necesitamos de las redes sociales para mostrar las nuevas formas de vivir de las personas mayores y también necesitamos prepararnos para envejecer. Los medios de comunicación tienen un rol fundamental en esto también”, propuso.
Por su parte, la artista española interpela a las mujeres y agita sus formas de estar en el mundo: "Debemos convertirnos en disidentes del edadismo, insumisas de parecer jóvenes, debemos mostrar nuestras arrugas y hablar de ello. Desde el feminismo también hay que tener en cuenta el trabajo y estudio desde una perspectiva transgeneracional, la vejez va a ser cada vez un reto más complejo en el contexto social al que nos dirigimos con peores sueldos, peor acceso a la vivienda, peores prestaciones por jubilación y en un mundo hiperconsumista, hipercapitalista e hipersexualizado en el que la vejez no es un valor, por ello es importante comenzar a trabajar en la línea de no excluir la vejez de la sociedad", dijo y subrayó: "Sobre todo, la vejez de las mujeres, que si además son pobres van a estar condenadas a peores situaciones y una mayor soledad y aislamiento”, concluyó.
* Las pinturas publicadas pertenecen a la artista estadounidense Angela Fraleigh, nacida en 1976 en Beaufort, Carolina del Sur.